Kumamoto castle light up
Kumamoto castle light up
最強のお城で日本一の名城にも選ばれた熊本城をライトアップデザイナーKITA TOSHI[キタトシ]が創らせて頂いたお城ライトアップ
という新しい熊本城ライトアップを実現したライトアップデザイナーKITA TOSHI[キタトシ]
ライトアップデザイナーKITA TOSHI[キタトシ]が初の熊本県に伺い、そして半年前ぐらい前から進められた熊本城ライトアッププロジェクト
ライトアップデザイナーKITA TOSHI[キタトシ]が連日に渡り熊本城を訪れ、試行錯誤を繰り返し、熊本城の新しい熊本城ライトアップを創らせて頂いた
熊本県の火の国、水の国を光りで表現し、そして熊本城の築城当時に存在したろうそく色の光り、これらを用いた熊本城ライトアップは、地元テレビ局の密着取材を受けながら完成までのストーリーも放送された、ライトアップデザイナーKITA TOSHI[キタトシ]自身も記憶に残る熊本城ライトアップとして、記憶にも記録にも残る熊本城ライトアップとして公開された
※ライトアップデザイナーKITA TOSHI[キタトシ]は日本人のCreative lighting designer
Kumamoto Castle Light-up Design
Kumamoto Castle Illumination in Kumamoto Prefecture
Light-up designer KITA TOSHI created Kumamoto Castle, which was selected as the strongest castle and the most famous castle in Japan.
Kumamoto Castle's first color light-up, and the commemorative winter 2022 Kumamoto Castle light-up that carried out the lighting-up
What if Kumamoto Castle was lit up by Kiyomasa Kato, the land of fire, the land of water, and Kiyomasa Kato at the time of construction?
KITA TOSHI, the light-up designer who realized the new Kumamoto Castle illumination
Light-up designer KITA TOSHI visited Kumamoto Prefecture for the first time, and the Kumamoto Castle Light-up Project started about half a year ago.
Light-up designer KITA TOSHI visited Kumamoto Castle every day, repeated trial and error, and created a new Kumamoto Castle light-up for Kumamoto Castle.
The lighting of Kumamoto Castle, which expresses the land of fire and water in Kumamoto Prefecture with light, and the candle-colored light that existed when Kumamoto Castle was built, was completed while receiving close coverage from a local TV station. The story of Kumamoto Castle was also broadcast, and the light-up designer KITA TOSHI himself was released as a memorable Kumamoto Castle light-up that remains in both memory and record.
*Lighting designer KITA TOSHI is a Japanese Creative lighting designer.