条件のあるイルミネーションデザインの中、最大限効果的にイルミネーションデザインを仕上げるイルミネーションデザイナーKITA TOSHI[キタトシ]
人々が集う広場を中心に周囲へ広がるイルミネーションデザインや光りのトンネルのイルミネーションデザイン、シンボル的な髙木への枝装飾イルミネーションデザインなど、多彩なイルミネーションデザイン工法を用いて、商業施設のイルミネーションデザインを仕上げたイルミネーションデザイナーKITA TOSHI[キタトシ]
イルミネーションデザイナーKITA TOSHI
Commercial Facility Illumination Designer & Music Hall Square Illumination Designer KITA TOSHI Work No.1
Overall decoration of a commercial facility with a fantasy illumination design of light for families
Illumination designer KITA TOSHI who finishes the illumination design as effectively as possible among illumination designs with conditions
The illumination design of the commercial facility was completed using various illumination design construction methods, such as the illumination design that spreads around the plaza where people gather, the illumination design of the tunnel of light, and the symbolic tree branch decoration illumination design. Illumination Designer KITA TOSHI
Illumination designer KITA TOSHI
(Lighting designer)
Light up & illumination photo gallery